Monday, July 21, 2014

27 weeks!!

So here I am, it's late at night, and I am unable to sleep..again. So here's the weekly update for you :)

But first, I'll post a few pictures from this week...

The single rose Daniel brought home one day :)

And the beautiful bouquet he put in the kitchen for me! I don't like him spending money on flowers but these were free and it's the thought that counts the most; not the price tag!! :) they smell beautiful and they are still living strong!
I was pretty miserable and sick over the weekend. Saturday, we put up our new curtains I bought on sale at Anna's linens for $8! They block out 99% of sunlight so they'll save energy and they make day naps more enjoyable. Since that is the only time I can really sleep well. Nights just aren't kind to me lately :/ so on Sunday morning, when I woke up feeling bad, Daniel brought me crackers and water and I sat in the dark, quiet room. It was very nice even though I felt bad!

I completed a craft this weekend because being stuck at home sick, presented me with some free time to "sit around" so I sat and did this :)

My mom has already seen these, but I went to a rheumatology appointment on Thursday and they wanted to do blood work but the poor little lady did not really know what to do with my rolling veins and she ended up sticking me seven times to try to get enough vials. But she dropped two of them, and she couldn't use one hand to hold the needle and switch the vials with her other hand so on one vein, she went too deep and lost the vein. So now I have a gnarly bruise on my forearm! We were late getting Daniel back to work for a meeting and we were in Temple which is about a thirty minute drive from post. It was a mess of a day, for everyone involved. But I got my milkshake and I was in pain but very happy; even rockin' all those band aids! As you can see ;)

And holding that big 'ol belly!

Speaking of the new curtains...I bought one panel for the living room, not remembering just how wide the window I had a fail and Daniel had a good laugh! :/

Enough pictures for now. ;)

How far along?: 27 weeks and 1 day.

How big is baby?: ~14.5 in. About the size of cauliflower lol. Weighing around 2 lbs!

Morning sickness?: No.

Cravings?: All kinds of things!! Lol. It changes almost every 20 minutes. But like I've already said in previous weeks, I don't give in to many of my cravings so it hasn't been a bad thing to crave foods. Just been weird!

Aversions?: None.

Mood swings?: Eh, I guess so. I've been a little more mellow. But Daniel probably hasn't noticed it lol.

Weight gain/loss?: 113.7 lbs still.

Eating?: Still uncomfortable.

Wedding ring on or off?: On!

Maternity clothes?: Some days. Most of the days it's comfy tshirts and sweat pants ;)

Stretch marks?: None.

Sleep?: Sleep has not existed much this week!

Best moment this week?: I could feel baby boy moving around so much and at one point, I thought I felt his little bottom pushing against my hand. Whenever I feel a part of him, I lightly push on it and he usually jerks away. It is a very weird feeling! And sometimes uncomfortable :/ but it's cool!!

Movement?: Ohh yes!! Twice this week, the movement has made me nauseous! :/ but other days, it has been incredible feeling him. He's getting stronger lol!

Gender?: Boy, oh boy! :)

Labor signs?: Just the usual Braxton Hicks everyday.

Belly button - in or out?: It's still half and half...looking like an alien's eye ball or something. It's very unattractive! Lol. Even Daniel doesn't know what to think of it right now...

Showing?: Yes!!

Happy or moody most of the time?: I was pretty happy until the weekend. Was feeling puny and miserable all weekend...

What I miss?: Feeling normal and having energy. And I miss having a clean house!

What I am looking forward to?: Spending time with Daniel before baby comes! Just us; quality time together. We've gotten into a bad rut with me not feeling good. He lets me sleep but I hate that it takes away from time we could be spending together!

Milestones?: I'm almost into the third trimester. So I guess that's an almost milestone...

Anything making you queasy or sick?: Just sometimes when I feel movement.

Upcoming appointments/events?: I have an appointment next week. And I have a meeting with a new home visitor next week as well. I'm excited to meet her - she's very knowledgeable in breast feeding. So I'm very excited to pick her brain and ask her many, many questions!

Bump picture?

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