Wednesday, April 30, 2014

15 weeks.

How far along?: 15 weeks and 1 day.

How big is baby?: 4 inches - 2.5 oz. About the size of a navel orange!

Morning sickness?: No pregnancy related sickness. Just been sick this past weekend on top of being pregnant :/ pretty exhausting!

Cravings?: Corn on the cob.

Aversions?: The smell of medication. Even Tylenol.

Mood swings?: I've been pretty mellow, but mostly because I've been feeling awful so I'm just exhausted.

Weight gain/loss?: Won't know how much I've gained, if any, until we visit the doctor on 6-May.

Eating?: Eating fine.

Wedding ring on or off?: Still on ;)

Maternity clothes?: Nope.

Stretch marks?: No...

Sleep?: I have managed to sleep through the night only once this week! But it's better than nothing :)

Best moment this week?: My Mom and Dad sent me gifts for my "Very first Mother's Day"!! They are so sweet :) We were supposed to go camping this weekend but I was too sick :( Daniel has cooked and cleaned for me! He is so amazing to me!! <3

Movement?: Nothing yet :/

 Gender?: Just 6 weeks until we find out.

 Labor signs?: No.

Belly button - in or out?: In!

Showing?: Yep! Slowly but surely... ;)

Happy or moody most of the time?: I've been happy despite being sick and exhausted.

What I miss?: Sleeping through the night.

What I am looking forward to?: Feeling movement!

Milestones?: We bought our first box of diapers! LOL.

AND my jeans don't really fit anymore...but I squeeze into them some days.

Anything making you queasy or sick?: Ha!

Upcoming appointments/events?: I have an appt with my dr on 6-May.

Hopefully, we'll be going camping soon since we couldn't go this weekend.

Bump picture?: Wearing the wrong shirt but the teal one was dirty :/

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

ER visit :O and 14-week Progress Post :)

Saturday, we went to the store to get more things for the Aquaponics system we are building in our backyard. We stopped to get lunch at Chick-fil-A and then went home. Around 1pm, I started having severe abdominal pains that were constant! The pain would get worse at times (like contractions) but the pain was constant! The pain level was like nothing I had ever felt. And I have a slightly high tolerance for pain, so this was worrying me. I'm sure, psychologically, I was in more pain than usual, because I was more worried about the baby, since I did not know the cause of the pain. Normally, I would've trucked through the pain, and not thought much about it. But this was a different kind of pain, and it was not just me; I have a baby that I have to keep in mind as well.

I took a nap at about 2:30 and woke up at 5 - the pain was still there and it was still constant.

I ate dinner. Daniel was at work until about 11:30 but by the time he got home, I had already gone to bed, but not gotten much sleep because of the pain. All night, I awoke numerous times because of the pain. I did not get a lot of sleep at all!! I woke up at 7:30 and the pain was at it's worst and was still constant and by then, it had been 18 hours of this constant pain. So I called my mom, Daniel texted his mom, and we headed to the ER on post. We didn't think it was that serious but we did not want to chance anything and I was just worried about the baby! And Daniel was worried about both of us :) We really wanted to make sure the baby was okay, first and foremost.

Doctor was great and very caring. On our way to the hospital, I prayed that the doctor and staff were nice and that God would guide them as they took care of us. He answered my prayers because I did not feel like just another number, or just another crazy pregnant woman to them ;P I really felt like they had my best interest at heart, and that, alone, was a relief :)

It took about 15 minutes to wait and I was in a lot of pain by then! They took my vitals and labs and in the end, the doctor diagnosed it as acid reflux and gave me a Zantec prescription! He also said I could be experiencing a mix of Braxton Hicks along with the acid reflux :O What! It's too early for that haha!! He ordered a "cocktail" for me to drink. It was rather nasty and the nurse told me to take it like a shot - which I don't know how to do, ha! So I drank it as fast as I could but I swallowed a lot of air with it so that made my stomach even more uncomfortable :/ But the "cocktail" had Lidocaine so it was given to me to numb my stomach, but it also, naturally, numbed my throat and back of my mouth, so swallowing felt weird after that haha! The numbing lasted about 35 minutes and then went away. My stomach had a little ache to it after but the intense pain was gone so I was very happy! Or maybe it was the Lidocaine going to my brain ;) jk. I was glad to not be in that constant pain anymore!!

The doctor then took an ultrasound of my gallbladder to make sure there were no stones and it was all clear - yay! Then he took a look at our baby and showed us the heartbeat and the arms and legs moving all around. Baby's heartbeat was 158. :)

What a huge relief!! Baby is doing fine and I am no longer in pain. Unfortunately, this all happened on Easter morning, so we were not able to attend church and Daniel had to go to work about an hour after we returned home from the hospital. But I was exhausted anyway, from not getting any sleep the night before, so I took a nap while Daniel was at work and I slept great!

<3 All is well again in the Potter household! ;)

How far along?: 14 weeks and 2 days.

How big is baby?: 3.4 inches - about the size of a lemon. Weighing about 1.5 oz!!

Morning sickness?: Did not have much nausea this week, but yesterday morning I hugged the toilet again and Daniel was off work so he was home and he exclaimed, "Are you throwing up??" like it was a big thing haha! I just had to tell him that I was going to be okay and to not be worried :) I think all the other times I've been sick, he hasn't been here to witness it so it was more real to him that day.

Cravings?: Root beer!!

Aversions?: We used to juice every day, now it makes me extremely nauseous :(

Mood swings?: Have had a few of them this week. Again, poor Daniel ;/

Weight gain/loss?: Last doctor visit, I was at 98.4lbs

Eating?: Getting difficult to eat what I used to eat. Everything tastes very bland now and usually, I can take a few bites of something and I'm full.

Wedding ring on or off?: Still on ;)

Maternity clothes?: Not yet.

Stretch marks?: No!

Sleep?: Falling asleep is a chore now :( I wake up a lot during the night, almost every night! I have found that I sleep better during naps rather than at night.

Best moment this week?: Yesterday, we had our first meeting with a Home Visitor from the New Parent Support Program that is based on post. They are a very helpful program that assists families in getting any, and all, the resources we want during, and after, pregnancy :) I'm excited to take advantage of all the classes and curriculum they offer.

Movement?: I have not felt anything yet...The doctor said the baby is still low, which is fine, but this far along he expected it to be a little higher.

 Gender?: Don't know yet. About 7 weeks until we find out.

 Labor signs?: Well, as mentioned above, the doctor said I could be experiencing Braxton Hicks, but that is nothing to be alarmed about and it's not "technically" labor signs.

Belly button - in or out?: In!

Showing?: Yes! I'm in the "looking really fat" stage now though. It looks like a little beer belly haha!

Happy or moody most of the time?: Been very happy this week! Daniel and I have laughed a lot and had a great week getting back into the swing of things :) And he's been working on his big project in the backyard and been including me in it too!

What I miss?: Sleeping through the night.

What I am looking forward to?: More doctor appointments and ultrasounds so we can see the baby again!! I just want to know what it is doing at all times! I know it's moving around a lot but I can't feel it yet :(

Milestones?: We got a call about the results of the first part of the sequential screening and I tested negative :)

Anything making you queasy or sick?: If I don't eat anything for longer than about 3 or 4 hours, I start to get nauseous and really queasy.

Upcoming appointments/events?: I have an appointment in 2 weeks at my OB and then another ultrasound for part 2 of the sequential screening. We will also be meeting with the Home Visit Nurse from the New Parent Support Program again next week and we will receive even more information, so we are both looking forward to that.

Bump picture?:

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

13 weeks along!

Our very first, "official" doctor appointment last week (8-Apr) went well. The doctor was very nice and kind. Unfortunately, she will not continue to be my doctor because she is PCS'ing (Army term for "moving"/"getting stationed elsewhere" Haha!) to Colorado. :(

She told me a few things I never knew about pregnancy and she reiterated a few things I already knew just by reading and by the free apps I downloaded onto my iPhone haha! (This is the world we live in...)

She let us hear the heartbeat for the first time but it was more terrifying than exciting because it took her what felt like hours to find the heartbeat. Her facial expression never changed and she appeared pretty confident (or maybe it was because she was a Major in the Army - ha!) but we were still very scared! It was probably only about 3-4 minutes, but it really felt like forever!! Finally, we heard it! :) It was fast and rapid - in the 170s.

We had an ultrasound for part 1 of the sequential screening (on 11-Apr) and we were able to see the baby! It was Daniel's first time experiencing an ultrasound and that was special for us!! The doctor showed us pretty much every single possible angle and that was really cool. The baby was moving a lot but then chilled out towards the end haha!

How far along?: 13 weeks and 2 days.

How big is baby?: ~6.5cm - about the size of a peach. Weighing about .81 oz!

Morning sickness?: Not so much the past week, but yesterday morning was full blown morning sickness. Hugging of the toilet included! :/ And today I have felt gross and sick all day long.

Cravings?: Anything refreshing! Grapes mostly...

Aversions?: My sense of smell is strong so anything too strong (even if it smells good) makes me nauseous.

Mood swings?: Yes, and I've had the urge to cry with no legit reason at all!

Weight gain/loss?: I'm at 98.4lbs now - almost in the triple digits, according to Daniel >_<

Eating?: I eat fine. We have been eating out more frequently then we used to. Getting back to eating healthy this week :)

Wedding ring on or off?: Still on ;)

Maternity clothes?: Nope. They are purchased (Thank you to my beautiful MIL for taking me shopping when I was home), washed, put-away, and ready to go though ;)

Stretch marks?: Not yet!!

Sleep?: I am constantly waking up during the night. Falling asleep is getting more difficult! I read before bed to try to help with unwinding and falling asleep. Waking up is miserable - like it always has been. ;P I have crazy, weird dreams and I wake up after almost every dream. One example of how crazy, and completely stupid, my dreams can be: I was drinking a beer that someone gave me and I did not know I was pregnant until after I finished the beer! Weird part was, I finished the beer! I never finish a beer! :P But no, really, I was so scared and I started to panic and told Daniel, "We have to get this baby out of me! I just drank a beer and it's going to hurt HIM!" Yes, I called it a 'him' haha!

Best moment this week?: Had a dentist appointment! I love the dentist!! And, the ultrasound we had for the sequential screening - we found out that the fluid behind the neck is measuring great and that is a relief to know the baby is on track to being healthy. Anything can happen and we will love it just the same! Our baby is in God's hands as He is our creator :)

Movement?: I have not felt anything yet...the ultrasound on Friday showed quite a lot of movement and that was cool.

 Gender?: We don't know yet ;) about 8 weeks until we find out!! Oh, the countdown begins...

 Labor signs?: No no! Too soon for that mess.

Belly button - in or out?: In!

Showing?: Just bloated still.

Happy or moody most of the time?: Moody!! Poor, poor Daniel :/

What I miss?: Coffee. And last night I was wanting a beer with dinner.

What I am looking forward to?: Showing. And wearing those comfortable maternity clothes everyone talks about ;P My Mother-in-law bought me some from Kohl's and they are so cute! :)

Milestones?: We got the crib and changing table set up! Just need a mattress and bedding, and the baby will have somewhere to sleep :) Also, making it into the second trimester where the nausea is at a minimum (but still exists) and my energy level is heightened  - which is great at this point because Daniel has chosen this past weekend to start the big project!

Anything making you queasy or sick?: Naturally, nasty smells make me queasy.

Upcoming appointments/events?: I will be seeing my doctor about my hip because it is really bothering me and I know that the more weight I put on, the worse it is going to get. I need to get it looked at before it gets any worse!! It is painful to walk, sit, stand, bend over... :/

Bump picture?:Will take and post it as soon as Daniel gets home from bible study tonight :)

Here you go! It's a pretty bad angle and it was late...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Change of plans

13 weeks is the new answer to "How far along are you?" I was mistaken with my last post about only being 10 weeks. So really, that bump picture is wrong haha! :P

Had an ultrasound Friday morning for part 1 of the sequential screening tests and the baby was measuring at ~6.5cm!

Baby's heart rate is about 160s.

The doctor said the baby's neck measurements behind the neck look great and that we have nothing, initially, to worry about. They only took one vial of blood-work. :)

As a gift from Daniel's parent's, we got a couples' massage in Round Rock after the appointment and ohhh myyy! It felt so good! It was a prenatal massage and even though she couldn't use a lot of pressure it was still very relaxing and she got all the knots out of my shoulders and upper back! Hallelujah! She also focused on my lower back which has really been bothering me lately - I've heard that that only gets worse the further along I get :/ ugh...

On the way to our massage, a tire popped up out of nowhere and struck our windshield! Scared both Daniel and I but the car is unharmed - thank goodness!

The massage place was right next to Ikea so we went there and got a new dresser.

We went to a natural gardening center in Bee Cave (2 hours south of home) and it was huge! They had everything I could ever imagine. They even had goats... We got a lot of plants and shale for our new project (separate post coming sometime next week) that is going to go up in our backyard! Pretty excited about it but not as excited as Daniel. He has put hours and hours into researching and planning this thing - it is going to be awesome! :)

After only about 20 minutes, all I wanted to do at the natural gardening center was sit down! I almost just sat on the ground - but I was in a dress so I refrained. It was a really pretty place though!

We left at around 5:30pm, I was really tired and uncomfortable and Daniel wasn't hungry for dinner yet so we decided to change our original plan of going to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory in Austin and head home instead. During the 2 hour drive home, we developed an appetite so we stopped on the way at a local restaurant called "BJ's Restaurant & Brewery". I wasn't overly excited about our experience (mostly because we waited 45 minutes when we were told 30 minutes - ha! The curse of having worked in restaurants in my younger days :P) but they had in house brewed root-beer and it was delicious!! Daniel and I talked about it all weekend! The food was yummy and I had leftovers. The waitress was hitting on Daniel - hahaha! :) How cute!

We got home late and decided to head to bed pretty much right away. Got up early the next morning to go to the Post Wide Yard Sale, here at Fort Hood! Scored a crib and changing table (in great condition - no teeth marks haha!) for $80...and set it up that night :P Yes, we are getting started very early! But I am determined to have as much ready as possible before I get into my third trimester. And that is only 11 weeks away! Sounds like we have time but I know that those weeks are going to just fly by.

So now that we've determined that I'm in my 13th week, I will post another Pregnancy Progress Post along with an accurate bump picture ;) check back tomorrow! xoxo

Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Lil' Miracle

You might remember, weeks ago, I posted about God's timing pertaining to the questions of "when are ya'll gonna have kids??" Take comfort in knowing that God's timing is perfect and that His timing is NOW!! ;)

It is true!! We will be expanding our little love life this October. <3 We can't imagine how much our love can grow for this life we have together until we meet our new little one! And we are so excited!!

Family is excited as well and their support, along with the support from our friends, has been so wonderful.

We would like to share a few things with you all right off the bat!

I am ~10 weeks along already. We found out because I wanted McDonald's for dinner. That, alone, told us that things were not "normal"!!

We took a home pregnancy test together and then went to my doctor the next day to get it confirmed. (We were both in kind of denial after the home test.)

It was a week before I was set to depart to go to Georgia to visit family for a month while Daniel was sent to Army training in California.

Because it was so close to when I would be with family, we decided that I would tell them while I was there and not wait until after the first trimester. Risky, but we knew we had great support from everyone if anything were/is to happen! We also believe in the sovereignty of our Lord and Savior!! <3

It was a Saturday night when we told our parents together after dinner. Daniel was on speaker phone, telling them all "hi" and, then, eventually our big news!! :)

They did not believe him, at first, but my crying and video taping gave it away, I think ;)


Now for the pregnancy questionnaire:

How far along?: 10 weeks.

How big is baby?: 1.5 inches - about the size of a fig.

Morning sickness?: Yes, and night sickness as well!

Cravings?: Just that one time of wanting McDonald's. I want, but not really crave, more of orange juice and grapes and apple juice and cold water! Anything refreshing really!

Aversions?: None that I can think of right now...

Mood swings?: I wouldn't say I have them...yet...but you'd have to ask Daniel I guess ;P

Weight gain/loss?: I have a strong feeling that I am really going to regret having this question on each weeks progress post. My starting weight was 96.6. I have not yet had another dr appt to see what the weight gain has been in the past month.

Eating?: I can't eat nearly as much as I used to eat. I have even sat down for a meal and taken two bites and been completely full!! Not because I'm nauseous; it has just been because I get full really fast now.

Wedding ring on or off?: Still on ;)

Maternity clothes?: Not yet... (except for the bump progress pictures we just started - I'm going to wear the same outfit in every pic so it shows the progress better.)

Stretch marks?: Well, not yet...

Sleep?: I get up 3-4 times during the night. Falling asleep has yet to be a problem! Waking up is miserable - like it always has been. ;P The nausea is bad even at night so sleeping is very pleasant during this stage! Well, aside from the waking up 3-4 times.

Best moment this week?: Daniel came home!! :) I traveled home to Texas from Georgia. Miss family but being home is great! I've cleaned...a lot. People call it 'nesting' ;) hehe!

Movement?: None that I can feel but we saw a lot of it during the ultrasound that my bridesmaid, and great friend, Mindy did while I was in Georgia. Here are a few images and a video :) Thanks again, Mindy!!!! <3

Gender?: We don't know yet ;)

Labor signs?: Oh no! Thank goodness! Too soon.

Belly button - in or out?: Still in!

Showing?: Not yet. Friends have said, "Oh, I see a little bump." but really, it's just fat because I stopped working out :/

Happy or moody most of the time?: Ask my husband.

What I miss?: Raspberry Margaritas from Chili's. And coffee.

What I am looking forward to?: Showing. I'm at the bloated stage and it only looks like I had too much lunch! I look forward to not needing to suck it in...

Milestones?: Made the trip to and from Georgia and visited family and friends without dropping out of exhaustion.

 Anything making you queasy or sick?: Overeating makes me more nauseous than usual!

Upcoming appointments/events?: We are going camping this summer and I am looking forward to it just hoping the pregnancy doesn't get in the way. We have a genetics appointment on the 7th and a dr appt on the 8th.

Bump picture?: