Wednesday, April 23, 2014

ER visit :O and 14-week Progress Post :)

Saturday, we went to the store to get more things for the Aquaponics system we are building in our backyard. We stopped to get lunch at Chick-fil-A and then went home. Around 1pm, I started having severe abdominal pains that were constant! The pain would get worse at times (like contractions) but the pain was constant! The pain level was like nothing I had ever felt. And I have a slightly high tolerance for pain, so this was worrying me. I'm sure, psychologically, I was in more pain than usual, because I was more worried about the baby, since I did not know the cause of the pain. Normally, I would've trucked through the pain, and not thought much about it. But this was a different kind of pain, and it was not just me; I have a baby that I have to keep in mind as well.

I took a nap at about 2:30 and woke up at 5 - the pain was still there and it was still constant.

I ate dinner. Daniel was at work until about 11:30 but by the time he got home, I had already gone to bed, but not gotten much sleep because of the pain. All night, I awoke numerous times because of the pain. I did not get a lot of sleep at all!! I woke up at 7:30 and the pain was at it's worst and was still constant and by then, it had been 18 hours of this constant pain. So I called my mom, Daniel texted his mom, and we headed to the ER on post. We didn't think it was that serious but we did not want to chance anything and I was just worried about the baby! And Daniel was worried about both of us :) We really wanted to make sure the baby was okay, first and foremost.

Doctor was great and very caring. On our way to the hospital, I prayed that the doctor and staff were nice and that God would guide them as they took care of us. He answered my prayers because I did not feel like just another number, or just another crazy pregnant woman to them ;P I really felt like they had my best interest at heart, and that, alone, was a relief :)

It took about 15 minutes to wait and I was in a lot of pain by then! They took my vitals and labs and in the end, the doctor diagnosed it as acid reflux and gave me a Zantec prescription! He also said I could be experiencing a mix of Braxton Hicks along with the acid reflux :O What! It's too early for that haha!! He ordered a "cocktail" for me to drink. It was rather nasty and the nurse told me to take it like a shot - which I don't know how to do, ha! So I drank it as fast as I could but I swallowed a lot of air with it so that made my stomach even more uncomfortable :/ But the "cocktail" had Lidocaine so it was given to me to numb my stomach, but it also, naturally, numbed my throat and back of my mouth, so swallowing felt weird after that haha! The numbing lasted about 35 minutes and then went away. My stomach had a little ache to it after but the intense pain was gone so I was very happy! Or maybe it was the Lidocaine going to my brain ;) jk. I was glad to not be in that constant pain anymore!!

The doctor then took an ultrasound of my gallbladder to make sure there were no stones and it was all clear - yay! Then he took a look at our baby and showed us the heartbeat and the arms and legs moving all around. Baby's heartbeat was 158. :)

What a huge relief!! Baby is doing fine and I am no longer in pain. Unfortunately, this all happened on Easter morning, so we were not able to attend church and Daniel had to go to work about an hour after we returned home from the hospital. But I was exhausted anyway, from not getting any sleep the night before, so I took a nap while Daniel was at work and I slept great!

<3 All is well again in the Potter household! ;)

How far along?: 14 weeks and 2 days.

How big is baby?: 3.4 inches - about the size of a lemon. Weighing about 1.5 oz!!

Morning sickness?: Did not have much nausea this week, but yesterday morning I hugged the toilet again and Daniel was off work so he was home and he exclaimed, "Are you throwing up??" like it was a big thing haha! I just had to tell him that I was going to be okay and to not be worried :) I think all the other times I've been sick, he hasn't been here to witness it so it was more real to him that day.

Cravings?: Root beer!!

Aversions?: We used to juice every day, now it makes me extremely nauseous :(

Mood swings?: Have had a few of them this week. Again, poor Daniel ;/

Weight gain/loss?: Last doctor visit, I was at 98.4lbs

Eating?: Getting difficult to eat what I used to eat. Everything tastes very bland now and usually, I can take a few bites of something and I'm full.

Wedding ring on or off?: Still on ;)

Maternity clothes?: Not yet.

Stretch marks?: No!

Sleep?: Falling asleep is a chore now :( I wake up a lot during the night, almost every night! I have found that I sleep better during naps rather than at night.

Best moment this week?: Yesterday, we had our first meeting with a Home Visitor from the New Parent Support Program that is based on post. They are a very helpful program that assists families in getting any, and all, the resources we want during, and after, pregnancy :) I'm excited to take advantage of all the classes and curriculum they offer.

Movement?: I have not felt anything yet...The doctor said the baby is still low, which is fine, but this far along he expected it to be a little higher.

 Gender?: Don't know yet. About 7 weeks until we find out.

 Labor signs?: Well, as mentioned above, the doctor said I could be experiencing Braxton Hicks, but that is nothing to be alarmed about and it's not "technically" labor signs.

Belly button - in or out?: In!

Showing?: Yes! I'm in the "looking really fat" stage now though. It looks like a little beer belly haha!

Happy or moody most of the time?: Been very happy this week! Daniel and I have laughed a lot and had a great week getting back into the swing of things :) And he's been working on his big project in the backyard and been including me in it too!

What I miss?: Sleeping through the night.

What I am looking forward to?: More doctor appointments and ultrasounds so we can see the baby again!! I just want to know what it is doing at all times! I know it's moving around a lot but I can't feel it yet :(

Milestones?: We got a call about the results of the first part of the sequential screening and I tested negative :)

Anything making you queasy or sick?: If I don't eat anything for longer than about 3 or 4 hours, I start to get nauseous and really queasy.

Upcoming appointments/events?: I have an appointment in 2 weeks at my OB and then another ultrasound for part 2 of the sequential screening. We will also be meeting with the Home Visit Nurse from the New Parent Support Program again next week and we will receive even more information, so we are both looking forward to that.

Bump picture?:

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