Monday, July 28, 2014

3rd trimester!

According to BabyCenter, I am officially in my third trimester now! :) Yay, I think... It is said to be a very uncomfortable trimester and I cannot help but believe it. I already see the discomfort getting worse from here... But that just means it's getting closer to when baby boy will be here! :)

How far along?: 28 weeks and 2 days.

How big is baby?: ~14.8 in. About the size of a Chinese cabbage. Weighing around 2.25 lbs.

Morning sickness?: Nope.

Cravings?: Oreos and milk!!

Aversions?: Milk...

Mood swings?: Yep!

Weight gain/loss?: 115.6!

Eating?: I've been trying really hard to stop eating until I'm full. I try to stop before so that I'm not overeating and also so I'm not uncomfortable!

Wedding ring on or off?: On.

Maternity clothes?: They are slowly but surely becoming a necessity! I'm running out of large enough t-shirts and stretchy enough sweatpants.

Stretch marks?: None yet!!

Sleep?: Sleep is not really happening much. I nap during the day when I can and that is when I sleep better! Falling asleep at night is the biggest challenge.

Best moment this week?: Sleeping good! It's rare so it's nice when it happens now...

Movement?: He's going to be a boxer!

Gender?: Boy!

Labor signs?: Braxton Hicks. Some have been so intense that I bend over in pain and can't stand up straight. Dr says it's normal.

Belly button - in or out?: It's pretty much out but not completely...yet. It's getting there...

Showing?: I feel that this question can be deleted now because I'm just going to continue to show more and more ;P

Happy or moody most of the time?: I've been happy :) Daniel makes being happy really easy! ;) 

What I miss?: Walking and getting out of the car in 2 seconds. It takes me a good ten seconds or so to get out of the car and walking is slow. Poor Daniel naturally walks fast and I hold him back whenever we go somewhere like shopping...

What I am looking forward to?: Rocking our baby in the glider in the nursery :) I have found myself, twice, rocking just thinking...

Milestones?: Reaching the third trimester!

Anything making you queasy or sick?: Not really!

Upcoming appointments/events?: My Mother-in-Law is coming to visit very soon!! :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

27 weeks!!

So here I am, it's late at night, and I am unable to sleep..again. So here's the weekly update for you :)

But first, I'll post a few pictures from this week...

The single rose Daniel brought home one day :)

And the beautiful bouquet he put in the kitchen for me! I don't like him spending money on flowers but these were free and it's the thought that counts the most; not the price tag!! :) they smell beautiful and they are still living strong!
I was pretty miserable and sick over the weekend. Saturday, we put up our new curtains I bought on sale at Anna's linens for $8! They block out 99% of sunlight so they'll save energy and they make day naps more enjoyable. Since that is the only time I can really sleep well. Nights just aren't kind to me lately :/ so on Sunday morning, when I woke up feeling bad, Daniel brought me crackers and water and I sat in the dark, quiet room. It was very nice even though I felt bad!

I completed a craft this weekend because being stuck at home sick, presented me with some free time to "sit around" so I sat and did this :)

My mom has already seen these, but I went to a rheumatology appointment on Thursday and they wanted to do blood work but the poor little lady did not really know what to do with my rolling veins and she ended up sticking me seven times to try to get enough vials. But she dropped two of them, and she couldn't use one hand to hold the needle and switch the vials with her other hand so on one vein, she went too deep and lost the vein. So now I have a gnarly bruise on my forearm! We were late getting Daniel back to work for a meeting and we were in Temple which is about a thirty minute drive from post. It was a mess of a day, for everyone involved. But I got my milkshake and I was in pain but very happy; even rockin' all those band aids! As you can see ;)

And holding that big 'ol belly!

Speaking of the new curtains...I bought one panel for the living room, not remembering just how wide the window I had a fail and Daniel had a good laugh! :/

Enough pictures for now. ;)

How far along?: 27 weeks and 1 day.

How big is baby?: ~14.5 in. About the size of cauliflower lol. Weighing around 2 lbs!

Morning sickness?: No.

Cravings?: All kinds of things!! Lol. It changes almost every 20 minutes. But like I've already said in previous weeks, I don't give in to many of my cravings so it hasn't been a bad thing to crave foods. Just been weird!

Aversions?: None.

Mood swings?: Eh, I guess so. I've been a little more mellow. But Daniel probably hasn't noticed it lol.

Weight gain/loss?: 113.7 lbs still.

Eating?: Still uncomfortable.

Wedding ring on or off?: On!

Maternity clothes?: Some days. Most of the days it's comfy tshirts and sweat pants ;)

Stretch marks?: None.

Sleep?: Sleep has not existed much this week!

Best moment this week?: I could feel baby boy moving around so much and at one point, I thought I felt his little bottom pushing against my hand. Whenever I feel a part of him, I lightly push on it and he usually jerks away. It is a very weird feeling! And sometimes uncomfortable :/ but it's cool!!

Movement?: Ohh yes!! Twice this week, the movement has made me nauseous! :/ but other days, it has been incredible feeling him. He's getting stronger lol!

Gender?: Boy, oh boy! :)

Labor signs?: Just the usual Braxton Hicks everyday.

Belly button - in or out?: It's still half and half...looking like an alien's eye ball or something. It's very unattractive! Lol. Even Daniel doesn't know what to think of it right now...

Showing?: Yes!!

Happy or moody most of the time?: I was pretty happy until the weekend. Was feeling puny and miserable all weekend...

What I miss?: Feeling normal and having energy. And I miss having a clean house!

What I am looking forward to?: Spending time with Daniel before baby comes! Just us; quality time together. We've gotten into a bad rut with me not feeling good. He lets me sleep but I hate that it takes away from time we could be spending together!

Milestones?: I'm almost into the third trimester. So I guess that's an almost milestone...

Anything making you queasy or sick?: Just sometimes when I feel movement.

Upcoming appointments/events?: I have an appointment next week. And I have a meeting with a new home visitor next week as well. I'm excited to meet her - she's very knowledgeable in breast feeding. So I'm very excited to pick her brain and ask her many, many questions!

Bump picture?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

26 weeks and specific updates.

Ever feel like you just aren't ready?? That's where I am... If I went into pre-term labor and had this baby this week, I don't know how I would handle it!! I'm just not ready yet...and that's pathetic but it's how I'm currently feeling lol.

But enough about me...

Daniel is doing great! His job is presenting itself with personal challenges (good things!) and additional responsibilities (good...mostly.) There seem to be some changes on the horizon for him, but none that can be talked about just yet! ;)

And contrary to popular belief, Daniel has not gained weight with me! Lol.

Baby is kicking me. All the time. All day long. It's reassuring for me but sometimes gets uncomfortable and hinders my ability to sleep. But it's still awesome, none the less! :) and he seems to favor the right side. Like 95% of the time haha! I have a video to post that shows him moving while I was sitting in the living room.

Toblakai is growing so fast and learning fast as well. His training is going great! He is still not as confident but, he's only three months old. ;) he has some basic commands mastered and a few are his "go-to" favorite tricks. For example, we say "sit", he sits and immediately throws his paw, or both, at us to "shake"...silly boy ;)

Texas is still great and beautiful! Daniel and I are still madly in love... just in case you were wondering! ;P the nursery is coming along slowly, but surely! The dishes and laundry are a constant battle for always lol. They seem to continue to pile up no matter how hard I try! I know, I know; just wait until there's another mouth to feed and body to clothe... oh boy! Literally... ;)

The nursery is a slow process but it's getting there! I was stuck on what I wanted to do in there so that put any and all motivation to a halt for a few weeks. But I do believe we've decided that brown and blue will be good colors. Not too overbearing and it just fits with the majority of the things we were gifted at our lovely baby showers! :) we are not able to paint the room, because we are renting this house. But we are going to try our best to make it look good ;) we have the crib and changing table set up! And Daniel hung the curtain this weekend. I love it so far! We bought the glider and it's so cute in the little corner. I will post pictures on the blog sometime after we get everything washed and put away. The room is going to double as the spare bedroom as well as the nursery so it is somewhat crammed in there but the baby is not even going to know the difference lol. When he's older, he can have his own room. But, for now, we are in the Army, making do with the space we have. And I believe it will work :) it's not ideal, but every new family starts somewhere ;)

Our aquaponics system in the backyard (oh pooey, I forgot to write a complete post about that like I promised :/ oops!) it's doing well. Well enough...the goldfish died off rapidly and then we thought the levels were good enough to add the catfish...but those are dying off rapidly too! :/ I think ponds are gross (fishy, algae-y water just irks me) but Daniel says it's normal to be that way (the algae is mostly what grosses me out!). The plants are doing great! We had a casualty with my cilantro :( but I really don't know the first thing about growing cilantro so I wasn't surprised it didn't last.

We will continue to do more work on the house, inside and out! And we are looking forward to having visitors these next few months :)

How far along?: 26 weeks and 3 days.

How big is baby?: 14 in. About the size of a hothouse cucumber. Weighing about 1.75 lbs!! :O

Morning sickness?: Nah.

Cravings?: Blueberries!!

Aversions?: The thought of any fried foods have made my appetite drop.

Mood swings?: Yesss!

Weight gain/loss?: 113.7.0 lbs so I have lost 1.3 lbs this week. Total weight gain is at 17.1 lbs!

Eating?: Eating is getting to be very uncomfortable. After I eat or drink (even just water) I feel as though I need to throw it up right away!! And it's not because I'm nauseous, so it's weird! It almost feels like that because my stomach can't hold it so it wants to reject it. I think my stomach is shrinking in size from being pushed against ;P

Wedding ring on or off?: On and really loose :/

Maternity clothes?: Sometimes. Been wearing my normal jeans with a belly band. Those things are great inventions!!

Stretch marks?: Nope!

Sleep?: Sleep has been cruel. Waking up all the time and his moving around wakes me up during the night. Just getting me prepared for those midnight feedings ;P

Best moment this week?: Had a dr appt and Daniel saw my belly button poke out for the first time when I tried to sit up from the bed...his face was priceless! It was an "Oh, gross! What is happening to that thing!" look lol!! He's not quite ready for the gross part of having a baby; childbirth to be more specific.

Movement?: All the time! Every hour! He's a strong boy! Sometimes, he'll move/kick so hard, my entire body jolts!

 Gender?: Boy!!

Labor signs?: Braxton Hicks have decreased to only about every few days now.

Belly button - in or out?: It's still half way out...

Showing?: Yep, and I feel like anywhere I go, everyone is staring at the belly...

Happy or moody most of the time?: So moody!

What I miss?: Sleeping/laying on my stomach!

What I am looking forward to?: Family coming to visit!!

Milestones?: I can't think of any...

Anything making you queasy or sick?: The thought of childbirth has begun to make me queasy but I think it's mostly because I'm just anxious and nervous about it anyway soo...

Upcoming appointments/events?: Family is coming into town and we are very excited! First up, Daniel's mom will be here in August. :)

Monday, July 7, 2014

It's a quarter!!

We are at 25 weeks now. Cannot believe how fast the time is flying by! And I also cannot believe the emotions I've been feeling lately...

I am feeling bold and transparent today. Though, I cannot help but believe it's the hormones because I normally wouldn't be able to post something like this...

So here it goes.

I'm terrified! I'm scared and afraid. Of everything!! We were sitting in church and there was a family with a newborn. I think she was about a month old. And a rush of fear came over me. I began to feel hot and I thought my face was going to burn off! The little tiny toes and the arms flailing as this little girl tested those new motor skills while laying in her carrier. Such an innocent little life and I am about to have one of my own, and be completely responsible for! The fear of not knowing it all and never being good enough. I want to give our son the best but the fear of failing has caused the excitement to decrease... I have Daniel by my side, though, and he is going to be a wonderful father while still being an amazing husband! So I really shouldn't fear ;)

How far along?: 25 weeks and 2 days.

How big is baby?: 13.5 in. About the size of a rutabaga. (Even though I don't even know what that is...) weighing about 1.5 lbs!!

Morning sickness?: Nope.

Cravings?: Oreos.

Aversions?: None this week.

Mood swings?: Yes...

Weight gain/loss?: 115.0 lbs!

Eating?: Eating fine recently.

Wedding ring on or off?: Still on!

Maternity clothes?: Occasionally.

Stretch marks?: Nope.

Sleep?: Still having difficulty falling asleep...and sleeping through the night is impossible. I still wake up almost every hour.

Best moment this week?: Date day/night :)

Movement?: Almost every hour! He is always active.

 Gender?: It's a boy!

Labor signs?: Not very many Braxton Hicks!

Belly button - in or out?: It's like half and half...

Showing?: Definitely!!

Happy or moody most of the time?: Moody.

What I miss?: "Normal" days...

What I am looking forward to?: Getting the nursery completed!

Milestones?: My yoga exercises have been great! I'm feeling better and they are getting "easier" to do based on my strength increasing.

Anything making you queasy or sick?: No.

Upcoming appointments/events?: Nothing too exciting lol.

24 weeks! Leaving the honeymoon.

We are so close to ending the second trimester - what they call the "honeymoon-mester" :)

And I would agree that it is has been a better trimester than the first. Less sickly and more energy!

I'm scared to enter the third trimester but I've been scared of a lot of things lately...more on my fears in a later post if I get brave enough ;P

How far along?: 24 weeks and 1 day.

How big is baby?: 12.5 inches. About the size of corn... weighing about 1.25 lbs!

Morning sickness?: None :)

Cravings?: KFC's mac and cheese.

Aversions?: None this week.

Mood swings?: Yep! :/

Weight gain/loss?: Still at 112.0 lbs. Met with a nutritionist and she said my weight gain is great and my iron level is great! :)

Eating?: Eating has gotten easier :)

Wedding ring on or off?: On.

Maternity clothes?: Sometimes. Needing to go buy some more comfy clothes for around the house.

Stretch marks?: None yet! Daniel and I look everyday to check lol.

Sleep?: Having difficulty falling asleep...still.

Best moment this week?: Staying in with Daniel and enjoying being home together :)

Movement?: Almost every other hour!

 Gender?: It's a baby boy! :)

Labor signs?: Braxton Hicks have decreased to only about every few days now.

Belly button - in or out?: I think this is still considered "in" but it's definitely ready to pop out...

Showing?: Oh yes!

Happy or moody most of the time?: Happy!

What I miss?: Having energy to do normal stuff like cleaning the house!

What I am looking forward to?: Meeting our little boy <3

Milestones?: Daniel and I have taken our pup out on walks around the neighborhood and it hasn't been as tough on me physically as I thought it would be. Haven't gotten swollen feet...yet.

Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nope!

Upcoming appointments/events?: Have a dr appt tomorrow, the 1st. We'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat!!