Originally posted on 6/24 but Blogger duplicated it as a different post instead. So I had to re write and re post it :/
How far along?: 23 weeks and 1 day.
How big is baby?: 11.5 inches. Almost a foot long!! About the size of a large mango... weighing about 1.1 lb!
Morning sickness?: Not in the morning...more like in the afternoon.
Cravings?: Chocolate donuts!!
Aversions?: Orange juice.
Mood swings?: Ask Daniel.
Weight gain/loss?: 112.0 lbs now! 16 lbs of weight gain so far.
Eating?: Eating fine.
Wedding ring on or off?: Still on! :)
Maternity clothes?: If we go out anywhere lol. But I'm usually at home all day so I stay in tshirts and sweatpants...
Stretch marks?: None yet! Daniel and I look everyday to check lol.
Sleep?: It's been difficult to fall asleep recently and the heartburn has gotten worse.
Best moment this week?: The baby showers were so much fun!! Spending time with our families has been great. We cherish the quality time with them all since it has become so rare for us now that we live in Texas.
Movement?: Yes, it has been so cool!! This little boy is so active. Especially in the mornings. A few times, his activity has caused me to be nauseous but only for briefs moments. And baby boy favors being on the right side and is sitting very low still!
Gender?: Boy :)
Labor signs?: Braxton Hicks almost every other day.
Belly button - in or out?: In. Barely...it is definitely looking different and starting to poke out a little bit.
Showing?: Most definitely. Two people have already recognized me as actually pregnant instead of just staring and wondering if I'm just a little chubby.
Happy or moody most of the time?: Happy :) We are home with family! Doesn't get much better than this!
What I miss?: Wearing a size small.
What I am looking forward to?: Daniel and I are both very excited to get the baby's room set up and ready! Right now, it is cluttered with stuff and boxes.
Milestones?: I have come to accept the fact that I'm showing...a lot! And there's no covering it up anymore. Even t-shirts won't hide the big belly! And being recognized by strangers as being pregnant versus being chubby is a milestone, I would say.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nothing that I can think of...
Upcoming appointments/events?: My July check up appointment is coming up and we have no "events" coming up. We are looking forward to being home to relax and not leave the house for days at a time lol!
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