Original written on Wednesday, the 18th.
Best visit home yet!! We love coming home and we are so thankful that we are able to visit family and friends for the summer. This visit has been an enjoyable time and not very stressful.
Our families have been so wonderful to us and we cannot wait to introduce our baby boy to everyone at Christmas time!
While in Georgia, my tummy grew SO much, oh my! I cannot believe it. It has become impossible to "suck it in" now and my abs are non existent...as if they were even there before ha!
Toblakai has also done some growing as well! In an attempt to avoid unnecessary weight gain, we feed Toblakai using this treat ball. We refrain from actual treats and just use his food as motivation and for training. Well, while staying at my in-laws, Toblakai discovered how to get the ball unstuck while chasing it around! This is significant for me, because it saves me time "rescuing" his ball. When he was younger, he'd get it stuck under a table or something and come running back as if to say, "Help! It's stuck! Get it for me!" But now, he can do it on his own :) He's growing up so fast!! ;P
While in Georgia, my tummy grew SO much, oh my! I cannot believe it. It has become impossible to "suck it in" now and my abs are non existent...as if they were even there before ha!
Toblakai has also done some growing as well! In an attempt to avoid unnecessary weight gain, we feed Toblakai using this treat ball. We refrain from actual treats and just use his food as motivation and for training. Well, while staying at my in-laws, Toblakai discovered how to get the ball unstuck while chasing it around! This is significant for me, because it saves me time "rescuing" his ball. When he was younger, he'd get it stuck under a table or something and come running back as if to say, "Help! It's stuck! Get it for me!" But now, he can do it on his own :) He's growing up so fast!! ;P
I am late with my weekly post because we have just been too busy ;)
Unfortunately, we leave in the early morning tomorrow to drive back to Texas :( we are going to miss everyone dearly but cannot wait for visitors that are going to come out and see us in Texas before and after the baby's arrival ;)
How far along?: 22 weeks and 2 days.
How big is baby?: ~11 inches. About the size of a spaghetti squash lol. Weighing almost 1 lb!!
Morning sickness?: None!
Cravings?: Chicken noodle soup.
Aversions?: None.
Mood swings?: Mer, yep! :/
Weight gain/loss?: 112.4 lbs - total weight gain of 15.8 lbs! Yuck.
Eating?: I've been eating too much while on vacation here in ga...family has been spoiling us! ;P
Wedding ring on or off?: On; barely. My fingers are getting a little chubby and taking my ring off at the nail salon was a small challenge.
Maternity clothes?: Yep! But not all the time.
Stretch marks?: Nope.
Sleep?: It's been difficult to fall asleep recently and the heartburn has gotten worse.
Best moment this week?: The baby showers were so much fun!! Spending time with our families has been great. We cherish the quality time with them all since it has become so rare for us now that we live in Texas.
Movement?: Yes, it has been so cool!! This little boy is so active. Especially in the mornings. A few times, his activity has caused me to be nauseous but only for briefs moments. And baby boy favors being on the right side and is sitting very low still!
Gender?: Boy :)
Labor signs?: Braxton Hicks almost every other day.
Belly button - in or out?: In. Barely...it is definitely looking different and starting to poke out a little bit.
Showing?: Most definitely. Two people have already recognized me as actually pregnant instead of just staring and wondering if I'm just a little chubby.
Happy or moody most of the time?: Happy :) We are home with family! Doesn't get much better than this!
What I miss?: Wearing a size small.
What I am looking forward to?: Daniel and I are both very excited to get the baby's room set up and ready! Right now, it is cluttered with stuff and boxes.
Milestones?: I have come to accept the fact that I'm showing...a lot! And there's no covering it up anymore. Even t-shirts won't hide the big belly! And being recognized by strangers as being pregnant versus being chubby is a milestone, I would say.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nothing that I can think of...
Upcoming appointments/events?: My July check up appointment is coming up and we have no "events" coming up. We are looking forward to being home to relax and not leave the house for days at a time lol!
These pictures were taken at my baby showers and will serve here as the bump picture ;)
My Mommy and aunties :)
Mommy/Gramma ;)
Soon-to-be Auntie Jeanette!
Baby boy getting kisses from my cousin, Kailie <3
Cousins Sarah and Kailie :)
Cousins Sarah, Kailie, and Angela with my sister, Jeanette.
Opening all the wonderful gifts :)
The gifts were amazing!! We loved it all. Everything! And we cannot wait to get it all ready for baby boy's homecoming :)
Daniel and I with my Mom and sister, and Daniel's Mom :)
It's a boy!!
College friend/roommate, Ashley :)
Co-worker/office Mommy, Sondra :)
College friend, Mindy :)
"There's a baby in there!"
These pictures were taken at my baby showers and will serve here as the bump picture ;)
My Mommy and aunties :)
Mommy/Gramma ;)
Soon-to-be Auntie Jeanette!
Baby boy getting kisses from my cousin, Kailie <3
Cousins Sarah and Kailie :)
Cousins Sarah, Kailie, and Angela with my sister, Jeanette.
Opening all the wonderful gifts :)
The gifts were amazing!! We loved it all. Everything! And we cannot wait to get it all ready for baby boy's homecoming :)
It's a boy!!
College friend/roommate, Ashley :)
Co-worker/office Mommy, Sondra :)
College friend, Mindy :)
"There's a baby in there!"
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