Tuesday, October 7, 2014

37 weeks

Baby is not in position yet. Kind of worrying us but we have 3 weeks to change it ;)

Update: So I had my first official "feeling like a failure as a mommy" moment. Baby "Harry" is, in fact, in the correct position, head down! I feel like I should've been able to feel and tell that it was his butt I was feeling and I should have just known by his movements. But then again, I've never done this before so maybe I'll know next time ;) jk..."next time" will probably be a ways from now lol!! And I'll have forgotten a lot by then...I hope!

I wish I could say that everything is ready. But, that's just not true... :(
I wish everything was spik-n-span in the house and that the hospital bags were by the door and the nursery was baby-ready but that's not our reality. Our reality right now is Daniel goes to work and I sleep most of the day. Because sleeping at night just does not happen. I toss and turn all night. I wake up in pain either from uterus pains or stretching pains or severe heartburn! I have little energy throughout the day and I have lost all motivation to do the things on my "before-baby-gets-here to-do" list. One day, I even contemplated hiring someone to come clean my house for me!! Haha! But I'm too embarrassed for anyone to even see it the way it is now so that's not happening...

I'm constantly wanting cold fruit! I hate washing and cutting up fresh fruit. Because I'm lazy. But I've done it so much that it's now become fun...I think because I know what the reward of my labor is going to be. Ha! Kind of like labor and birth, eh? Well I wouldn't know...yet.

How far along?: 37 weeks! 3 to go...until the due date. But, who knows, it could happen sooner or later than that! Let's hope for sooner for my sake ;) jk. Kind of...

How big is baby?: 6.3 lbs! About the size of a swiss chard at almost 19.25 inches long!...

Morning sickness?: No.

Cravings?: Buffalo chicken pizza. Cocoa puffs. Fruity pebbles.

Aversions?: None.

Mood swings?: I don't think so...

Weight gain/loss?: 125.0...went down by .2! Ha!

Eating?: It has gotten to the point where I think my uterus is pushing my stomach so bad that I feel like anything and everything I eat, or drink, is just going to come right back up! I am constantly fighting the urge to purge lol sorry. And I can't eat too late in the day, or else lying down to sleep soon after isn't even an option!

Wedding ring on or off?: Off :( rocking the set from Wally World!

Maternity clothes?: Yupppp!

Stretch marks?: Four total, so far... :(
Update: went to my follow up dr appt and asked the dr about the stretch marks because, to be honest, I thought they were going to split open! She laughed at me... Honestly! They hurt and feel like they are going to bust open if I expand anymore. They are on the very front of my tummy, surrounding my belly button! It's rather gross looking.

Sleep?: Getting more challenging. I wake up in pain frequently, throughout the night and I hate mornings more than usual now. I despise them!! One morning this week, I woke up in NO pain! It was a miracle...

Best moment this week?: Daniel being home from all his work travels. And, baby shower at our church :) Was so sweet of the ladies of the church to celebrate baby "Harry". <3

Seeing baby "Harry" from a brief ultrasound to make sure he was head down :)

Did the Labor & Delivery tour at the hospital! The labor room is gorgeous and huge.

Movement?: Almost every 20 minutes or so. I'm convinced that baby "Harry" does NOT realize the room he has in there is decreasing. He continues to push the boundaries of the womb...

Labor signs?: Nope!! I have Braxton Hicks alllll day long. But they are not intensifying...so they are not real contractions just yet.

Happy or moody most of the time?: Pretty moody I think :/ I'm very uncomfortable and feeling rather large!

What I miss?: Working...

What I am looking forward to?: Being a mommy!

Milestones?: Making it to "full term"!

Anything making you queasy or sick?: The thought of giving birth makes me very nauseous. Probably because it just scares me and, right now, I have a weak stomach!

Upcoming appointments/events?: Labor and Delivery tour this week. Chiropractor appt next week. Dr appt this week and this appt they will check the position of baby "Harry". To which they will more-than-likely find him sideways...the way he has always been ever since about 30 weeks...

Bump picture?:

This is what happens when Daniel is being very uncooperative...


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