Thursday, May 22, 2014

We have movement!! [18 weeks]


Originally posted Tuesday, 20-May.

How far along?: 18 weeks and 1 day.

How big is baby?: 9 oz. About the size of a sweet potato.

Morning sickness?: No.

Cravings?: BBQ!

Fried chicken and honey mustard.

And Chick-Fil-A original sandwich with lots and lots of pickles!!

Aversions?: None this week.

Mood swings?: I've been extremely moody! :/

Weight gain/loss?: We'll find out my exact weight tomorrow at my anatomy scan appointment.

Eating?: Eating fine; just not as much recently.

Wedding ring on or off?: On and loose!

Maternity clothes?: The weather has been nice enough to allow for summer dresses :)

Stretch marks?: No. The cocoa butter lotion I use smells amazing!

Sleep?: I wake up in pain frequently throughout the night. Just "growing pains"... And sleeping on my side is still annoying! It makes my shoulders hurt but I can't get a firmer pillow because that gives me migraines when I sleep.

Best moment this week?: Daniel felt movement!!!! :) It was so cute. At first, he was frustrated because he could only feel his pulse in his fingers and thought that was the baby moving haha! Then when I said "did ya feel that?!" he realized what the real movement felt like.

Movement?: Every time I lay down or sit at work, I can feel movement! :) It is so great!! I want to stay this kind of pregnant forever! I don't want baby to get any bigger than this lol. JK!! It's just so cute and tiny and I'm not uncomfortable yet.

 Gender?: Just 2 weeks until we find out. :D

Labor signs?: I felt a small contraction (twice) and my tummy got hard. It woke me up both times! I believe they are Braxton Hicks.

Belly button - in or out?: In.

Showing?: Definitely.

Happy or moody most of the time?: Moody :(

What I miss?: Camping, but we are going this weekend so yay! :)

What I am looking forward to?: More movement!

Milestones?: Daniel feeling the baby move!!

Anything making you queasy or sick?: I have felt sick for the past two days but not really sure what is causing it...

Upcoming appointments/events?:This weekend, we are going camping at Inks Lake and taking our puppy, Toblakai! :) We have an appointment tomorrow for an anatomy scan but we are not going to let them tell us yet! Waiting for us to be in GA for my friend, Mindy to tell us ;)

Bump picture?:
Taken 23-May

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