Friday, June 8, 2018

35 weeks update with baby #3

How far along?: 35 weeks.

How big is baby?: About the size of a honeydew melon. ~18 inches long and ~5.25 pounds. Oh my!

Morning sickness?: Not much nausea at this point - yay!

Cravings?: Fresh fruit!!

Aversions?: Anything fried.

Mood swings?: Not really. Just losing patience easily.

Weight gain/loss?: I'm at 126.4. At this rate, I will gain about the same amount that I did with my previous pregnancies.

Eating?: I eat a lot.

Wedding ring on or off?: Still wearing, and loving, my silicone ring!

Maternity clothes?: Oh yes...

Stretch marks?: All over :(

Sleep?: Sleep is always a challenge for me during pregnancy. This time around is no different. I sleep better when I nap during the day but that doesn't get to happen often around here.

Best moment this week?: Kaladin showing his excitement to meeting the new baby!!

Movement?: All. The. Time.

 Gender?: Still a girl!! <3

 Labor signs?: Lots of Braxton Hicks but nothing "real".

Belly button - in or out?: Out.

Showing?: Too much!! Haha!

Happy or moody most of the time?: Happy!

What I miss?: Sleeping well. And sleeping on my stomach.

What I am looking forward to?: Holding her! :) And introducing her to Hailey and Kaladin.

Milestones?: I had my last week of work this week! I am excited to spend time with Kaladin and Hailey before introducing them to a new baby. My feet had been swelling so much when at work and my Braxton Hicks were happening very frequent. It was time to stop working and I'm so thankful that I am able to stop working this far before my due date.

Anything making you queasy or sick?: Stuff the kids do sometimes makes me queasy. Hailey licked Kaladin's arm. Kaladin licked the bathtub.

Upcoming appointments/events?: Going to IKEA tomorrow with the kids and my mom. Excited to get a few things for baby's arrival. Dr appt and chiro appts coming up next week. GB strep test at next appt - ugh. There is not much planned for the next few weeks so I think I need to get on that. Last time, it was nice to have something on the schedule every week leading up to Hailey's birth because that gave me something to look forward to haha! I should start planning...

Bump picture?: I don't take these anymore haha! I get too depressed by them. Truly.

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