Monday, November 3, 2014

Kaladin's first week of life.

We cannot believe it has been one week!! Kaladin has been an angel! He sleeps like an angel and he has facial expressions that keep us belly laughing. It has been such a joy. I don't think it has set in just yet that he is ours! And we are his! We are his parents and his guides for this life here on earth. I don't know when it will sink in... Daniel and I keep thinking "When are his parents going to come pick him up?"

Many say to enjoy these days while we can. And we certainly have! We have truly enjoyed the time with Kaladin. My mom being here has been such a huge blessing! She is so sacrificial and she is constantly putting others before herself. She keeps our home running, giving Daniel and I the opportunity to love on, and care for, Kaladin. And, of course, we share him so she can love on him too ;)

I believe Kaladin is slowly starting to find his voice. Other than his cries of hunger, he now makes those cute little noises while he eats and also when he sleeps. We also hear him, rather loudly, voice his opinion, out of the blue!

Speaking of his cries for hunger...that is, for the most part, the only time he really cries! Soiled diaper? He doesn't care. Dog barks? He does not even budge. He's a pretty easy baby so far...we are very blessed!

He's eating great! Sometimes more than I thought was even possible. And he is gaining appropriate weight.

He has started to smile while sleeping. It's adorable!

He already experiences bad dreams. I feel like a mom that wants to protect her child from everything bad in this world but at 6 days old, he was already crying/making frowny faces in his sleep! :( makes me sad that I can't prevent that for him!!

He also makes funny faces when he is awake...

At three days old, he started to roll onto his side!! And at four days old, he was holding his head up for longer than just a few seconds! So crazy.

He has some fierce strength in his arms and legs.

I'm still extremely uncomfortable with the thought of taking him anywhere! Literally, anywhere. I want to keep him forever in the house and never take him out...but I know that is unrealistic and extremely paranoid of me to do. So, eventually, it will happen. But probably not ANY time soon!

I still cannot put my wedding rings I am still rocking the $8 WalMart set.

At 6 days postpartum, I am back in my pre-pregnancy jeans and that feels great!! I was truly worried about my weight. And I am eager to get the "go ahead" from my doctor to resume working out. I have my postpartum appointment on the first of December!

I am also able to sleep on my back which is definitely something I missed in the later stages of pregnancy.

We have been so blessed by friends who have brought us meals!! The fridge AND freezer are overflowing with yumminess! And the desert counter is not a good start to my journey to get back to my prepregnancy weight!! >_<

We had a bit of a set back in keeping our home organized and clean for when baby was here. Daniel discovered damp carpet in our coat closet. Turns out, there was a clog in the something causing the something tray to overflow or something. So basically our coat closet was out of commission which meant all of the stuff that was in there was all over our living room! Because let's face it, there was not only coats in there... It was pretty much driving me nuts having my house look and feel so unorganized! But we still had our baby boy to enjoy. ;)

You better believe we take lots and lots of pictures of sweet Kaladin! ;)

He has a lot of hair in the back...almost like a mullet lol!

Kaladin had his two day well baby appointment and his follow up appointment to make sure his jaundice wasn't elevated.

At his two day appointment, he weighed 6lbs 10oz. And at his follow up he weighed 6lbs 15oz. He had to get his heal pricked to check the jaundice numbers and that hurt me more than it hurt him! He cried for about ten seconds and then stopped and looked around...

Both appointments went well and the doctors were very pleased with everything. :)

Birth story to follow soon.

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