I did, however, have baby showers the first and second Saturdays of November, and that allowed me to have something to look forward to. And, oh, how sweet that time was with friends and family!!
My cousin, Rachael, and Auntie Terry, threw a family shower for me at my Grandmother's house.
The next weekend, a dear friend from church, Caroline, threw me a shower at her house. [But I did not get any pictures! If anyone has any, please send them to me :) Or post in the comments. I know we took a group picture but I don't have it. :(]
**this is where pictures would go if I had any :(**
Wednesday, November 2nd, my cousin, Kailie, came over and took my maternity pictures. We wanted to take maternity pictures when the leaves had changed a good bit but we were running out of time and the leaves around our lake were taking their sweet time. I also was feeling extra large and puffy-faced. But Kailie and I were determined to capture a few pictures of our family of three before we became a family of four!
Funny Fact: When a few of these were posted on Facebook, my favorite comment from someone was "ouch" LOL! Yep, I felt just as big as I look!!
I read somewhere that only about 5% of women give birth on their original due date. I did not expect to be in that 5%!
But sure enough, the morning of my due date I woke up with cramping. Exactly the same feeling I had the day Kaladin was born. Yet, in true Jenn-fashion, I was in denial. I called my doctor (waste of time) and I tried to convince Daniel that it was all just in my head and that it wasn't real. I was trying to convince myself! What are the chances it would happen on my real due date. Come on.
Now, bear with me, if you will. It has been almost four months since the day we welcomed Hailey into the world. (I've been putting social media and blogging very low on my priority list, for obvious reasons...)
With that being said, this is how I remember it...
I'm standing in our master bathroom at around 8:30am, on the phone with my doctor and the conversation went a little something like this:
Me: I think I'm in labor but it's not intense. But this is exactly what it felt like with my first! And I progressed pretty quickly with my first! Are you the doctor on call today? Should I go in? I might labor at home first, is that ok? I lost my mucus plug. I had an internal exam on Monday and I was 70% and 2cm.
Doctor: We don't care about your mucus plug.
Me: Oh, ok. Soooooo should I go to Labor & Delivery or no?
Doctor: Well you could wait... or you could go... I just don't know...
Me: ...
Again I say, waste of time haha!!
I get off the phone, wash my face, put my contacts in, and my mom comes into our room and says, "Is this happening?" While I was on the phone, Daniel had told her that I woke up cramping, and that I might want to leave for the hospital.
*to be continued*
I'm not trying to give a "teaser", I'm just really struggling with ways to explain how everything went. I am also struggling with remembering every detail that I want to include in the Birth Story. I hope to get Part 2 up by next week! Love ya'll.