I have really neglected this blog. We are trying to decide if we want to stay with blogger or go to a different blog completely. For now, I will continue to post small posts and I'll try to remember to do weekly updates.
Kaladin is going to have a little sister in November!
How far along?: 18w4d.
Kaladin is going to have a little sister in November!
How far along?: 18w4d.
How big is baby?: 5.6 inches, about that size of a sweet potato.
Morning sickness?: Yes... Not as bad as in the first trimester. Ugh!
Cravings?: Steak.
Aversions?: None.
Mood swings?: Probably.. ha.
Weight gain/loss?: Starting weight when I found out I was pregnant was 98.6. I am now at 105.8!!
Eating?: I eat four small meals a day.
Wedding ring on or off?: Still on.
Maternity clothes?: I have already started using my belly bands for pants, but other than that, I still wear the same clothes.
Stretch marks?: No new ones....just the same ones I got with Kaladin.
Sleep?: It's rough. Waking throughout the night.
Best moment this week?: We are officially under contract on a house!! We showed some family the house yesterday, which was fun to share our excitement with those whom we love and that love us!
Movement?: All the time!!
Gender?: It's a GIRL!
Labor signs?: No labor signs, just braxton hicks.
Belly button - in or out?: It's trying to stick out already.
Showing?: Oh yes..
Happy or moody most of the time?: Pretty moody :( I'm working on it.
What I miss?: Mountain Dew.
What I am looking forward to?: Progressing through this pregnancy and seeing our little girl on an ultrasound hopefully in a couple weeks!
Milestones?: Can't think of anything right now.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Smells. And changing Kaladin's diapers.
Upcoming appointments/events?: Anatomy scan is in a couple weeks. Pretty excited for that!